Welcome!... To the unique world of the Life Model.
Art Nude UK:
Dedicated to the promotion of local life
models throughout the whole of the UK and beyond.
Providing the sole working Life Model a secure
and private promotional platform to announce
their modelling practice and experience level.
Membership comes with a whole web page which
includes your modelling profile, a basic information
and preferences panel, also an image gallery of up
to four pictures which forms a slide-show.
Life Models as all members are listed in the ANU
life modelling directory within the models category,
also issued with a unique registration number.
The Members Area
Members are able to log-in to gain
full site access to all restricted areas.
Peruse the modelling directory that lists
all members sorted by category and by
County. View other members profiles
directly via the directory page links.
Manage your account and control panel
to up-date your details, edit your member
profile and up-load your gallery images.
How to get the most from your membership:
Web Page:
Life models are urged to use their web page as
a self promotional platform to advertise your
modelling expertise, history and experience.
Adjust your modelling preferences to display
your modelling acceptance options and to
whom they apply.
Also select to show or hide your contact details,
mobile number or phone number via your own
control panel.
Model Profile:
Take time to compose a compelling also informative
life model profile for other members perusal.
Not failing to mention the artists, photographers,
Art Groups or Classes you attend or are involved
with within your own creative modelling circles.
Picture Gallery:
Present your modelling photos or completed
personalised artwork to your gallery space.
An artistic pose is most suited for this purpose
or clothed if preferred. 'But Nothing Explicit'.
Models are advised to actively connect with other
members via the directory page to open up avenues
of communication. Primarily by polite email requests.
If you are looking for some inspiration?
Please meet an influential female life model:
Female Life Model:
Name: Sharon.
Location: NE Kent.
ANU REG N° 011.
Skill Level: Professional.
Available for: Artists, Photographers, Groups.
Member Since: JAN 2013.
Working Radius: Throughout Kent & London region.
My Modelling Career has opened so many doors and great opportunities, from working with other local life Models and Artists,
also being a mentor / tutor for many new up and coming local life models, to life art modelling sessions with professional
Artists and Photographers such as:-
Tim Benson, Dunstan Perea, Ashley Hanson,
Stephen Oliver Postgate etc, and Nick Simpson for his Bumforth Manor project.
Also appeared in Paul McGhie's film Webcast a horror film, I played a neighbour with other life model friends
I invite other artists, photographers and life art groups to contact me for modelling.
Another highlight was taking a part in the filming of TV's 'Random Acts' for Channel 4,
working along side my Dear friend, also an Actor and fellow working life model Clifford Allison: ANU REG N° 053.
I have also apeared
I have have worked as professional life model for over 18 Years, I also give help and advice to less experienced
Life models in the North Kent region
and London.
I regularly model and attend many life art sessions and classes at several local artistic venues
.Christ Church Uni Canterbury.
.UCA Canterbury.
.Kent Adult Education Centres.
.Faversham Creek Creative.
.Beach Creative Herne Bay.
.Art holidays Whitstable.
Just to name a few!

I have a project in the pipeline called Naked Freedom where upon a group of life models are naked in the forest, expressing the joys of Nakedness, planed for the 15th July 2017 at Epping Forest..
What more can I say I just love my job ! Sharon
For more info Please contact me:

A special Thanks goes out to Sharon for all her advice and
inspiration given during the early development of this site:
Calling all Life Models to be part of our UK Web hub for life modelling.
Because promoting life modelling is what we do at Art Nude UK!
To get started: Log-in or Register.

We also offer basic student or apprentice entry-level membership.
All images and content are the property of the ANU & Members. ANU Copyright © 2013