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My Summer Newsletter 2019
Content by Kenneth Fahy:

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Busy times life modellingKenneth Fahy

Hello Dear Readers.

A cause for congratulation, I would say? Every time I compose my seasonal newsletter, I get the pleasure of reporting an increase in membership of Art Nude UK, now past the thousand mark and especially life models, now the highest ever at 569 at the last count.

Life with Bill Garland gets ever more exciting and inventive, and he is constantly dreaming up ways to celebrate the naked male body. He had a late spring break in Catalonia, where he was entertained and inspired by a performance of "Es Castell", a popular cultural icon in which performers climb up each other to create a human tower. It is a venerable feature which is taken very seriously, and the participants wear the traditional national colours of red and white. Bill thought that the physical artistry and symmetry of the event was awe-inspiring, and had an idea: "I'll get my models to learn and practice it, and do it naked." So during the month of June, he had us rehearsing this until we got it as close to the real thing as we could. Ten of us, climbing up over each other's naked bodies and attempting to maintain balance, until collapsing in a heap, was hilarious! We tried this out before an audience for the first time in a performance for a male tantric group in Manchester (where else!) and they loved it. We managed to keep balanced for one and a half minutes before the tower disintegrated into a pile of nude wriggling limbs and torsos.

A nice change from the usual run of life drawing classes, but these are the bread and butter of our profession. Besides Bill, I've also been initiated as his muse by Albert Lee, who is a local artist in his seventies whose genre is religious themes, especially those inspired by the bible, and also anything that can be described as orientalist. He is a devotee of the style of the 19th Century French Artist Eugene Delacroix, and does tableaux inspired by his paintings. One of his favourites is " The Death of Sardanapalus", depicting the last king of ancient Assyria who ordered the destruction of his property including his slaves. I don't need to describe the painting, with its atmosphere of sensuality and darkness, but Albert did a superb reproduction of the original. He used me as the model for the naked slave girl on the point of death ( he thought that my curvy body fitted me for the role.), and George Clarke as the palace guard wielding a very wicked looking dagger. No one could blame me for whispering "Whatever you do, George, be careful with that knife...." Albert has also booked me as the eponymous model for a reproduction of Caravaggio's "Raising of Lazarus from the Dead ", which he plans to undertake early in the autumn.

The variety of topics in the ANUK forum continue to create interest, and we're always delighted to get comments and feedback from models, but equally from artists and photographers. Everybody, have a superb and exciting summer, and to all models, you have the best job in the world!

Regards Kenneth Summer 2019

My email is kandjfahy@aol.com
And I can be reached on 07890 661717.
I can also provide plenty of images of my work.

PASSION PLAY 2016- ON BEING CRUCIFIED AS  ST  DISMAS my crucifixion in the Philippines on Good Friday

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