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My Winter Newsletter 2018/9
Content by Kenneth Fahy:

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Busy times life modelling

So it's goodbye to 2018 and hello to a bright new 2019.
A happy new year to all members of Art Nude UK , which must now surely be the most successful media for believers in the beauty of nude art.

I hope everybody celebrated New Years Eve well; I did. With a half dozen other Bespoke Bare Boys, we were hired as living nude sculptures in a Tableau Vivants in a "Nude Years Eve" party organised by some of the more outrageous hedonists of "Tantra4guys" in Manchester. Bill Garland does a lot of artistic work for them, including running erotically-themed life drawing sessions, so our bodies are familiar to them. A highlight of the event was choosing which of us deserved the title of "Rear of the Year" - and I am proud to say my bum won first prize! The contest was quite meticulous: measurements were taken, points were awarded for pertness and symmetry, clarity of skin, firmness and texture of the gluteal muscles. I scored on grounds of neatness and what one of the judges called "subversive eroticism"!! The male bottom has historically been the subject of some really beautiful pieces of art, both sensuous and provocative. This is discussed in a book on this facet of art entitled "The Rear View" by Jean-Luc Hennig, a brief and elegant history of bottoms throughout the ages. It was published by Souvenir Press in 1995, but I am sure copies can be unearthed if people know where to look...

Anyway, Art Nude UK is going from strength to strength, attracting more and more lovely people who want to become members of the life modelling fraternity. 514 models at the last count, and a tribute to Alan's hard work in developing such a comprehensive site, offering so much to artists and tutors besides models. Such a large number! Wouldn't it be lovely if one day there could be a mass gathering of all ANUK models on the lines of Spencer Tunick's mega-events, or even Angelo Musco, whose art features highly ethereal "shoals" of naked bodies; what do people think about this? I did raise this idea in the Forum, in discussion with Sharon, my South Eastern counterpart - she mentioned that she had once modelled for him and found it a beautiful experience. Our thread, about models' feelings about what they do, is open to everyone, and we would love other models to join in and share their frank opinions, likes and dislikes in the modelling scene. there have been 235 views of our topic, and it would be great to get wider input. And it would be lovely if anyone was willing to pitch in with the nude art scene in another part of the country.

The new modelling year for me began with a full diary, with work for art groups in places such as Bury, Chester, Oldham and even outside our territory in Birmingham. And the bookings in the care home near Frodsham continue, with the prospect of a couple more nearby, as word has spread. And a couple more art groups affiliated to the Womens institute have started life classes and have asked me to model for them. And not forgetting drama! The illustration above is a shot from my role as a victim in "deathscream2" , mentioned in the Forum thread and which began the new year with a week's filming in Cornwall (escaping the snow in time.)

Although not strictly speaking life art, my personal trainer has signed me up to a wrestling club in Bloxwich, he says in order to improve my muscular dexterity. The participants are in the main quite powerfully built guys, many of them security guards and from a military background. the club follows the principle of "pantokraton", which is the ancient greek style wrestling as practised at the original Olympic games - participants wrestle naked and oiled, , and there are strict rules about holds - no gouging. And not just greek: the club also goes outside the box and practises (still nude) Sumo wrestling, which originates in Japan, which makes life even more interesting.

Regards Kenneth 4th February 2019

My email is kandjfahy@aol.com
And I can be reached on 07890 661717.
I can also provide plenty of images of my work.

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